Our Work packages




BIECO is a holistic framework that will provide these mechanisms in order to help companies to understand and manage the cybersecurity risks and threats they are subject to when they become part of the ICT supply chain. 

WP1 - Project Management

The aim is to ensure timely and efficient project execution, according to the budget and the overall project objectives.

WP3 - Vulnerabilities Management

Analyze the state of the art to incorporate the latest advances in detection, forecasting and propagation of vulnerabilities.
Compile a representative dataset of software vulnerabilities.
Provide advanced tools to detect and forecast accurately vulnerabilities in ICT systems and components.
Provide an advanced tool to analyze the propagation of vulnerabilities across the ICT supply chain.

WP6 - Risk Analysis and Mitigation Strategies

This work package researches and develops a methodology for continuous risk assessment process on the ICT supply chain, such that the system is continuously analyzed for potential weaknesses, and corresponding mitigation strategies can be enacted using BIECO solutions.

WP8 - Integration, Pilots, and Validation

Develop a cloud platform, according to the reference architecture of WP2, that host the verification and validation activities within BIECO, as well as the applications and datasets of the pilots.
Develop the business case implementations.
Provide a set of front-end application.

WP2 - Architecture, Requirements, and Use Case Definition

Detailing the requirements of the project together with its Key Performance Indicators.
Defining and detailing the use cases that will validate the work to be developed.
Designing the architecture.

WP4 - Development of Resilient Systems

Tools and methods will be developed for supporting creation of resilient systems w.r.t security attacks and vulnerabilities.

WP5 - Methods and Tools for Auditing complex systems

This work package will focus on the development of techniques, methods and tools supporting the audit activity in the BIECO framework. Auditing includes retrieval of data from the field, such as data regarding the usage mode of an ICT system subject to runtime adaptation through delivery of software updates.

WP7 - Security and Privacy Claims

Identify suitable security and privacy metrics and claims to evaluate the security and privacy of a system.
Develop a security certification methodology using the identified security and privacy metrics and claims.

WP9 - Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation

Make sure that dissemination of results is pro-actively covered and Data Management is addressed.
Set-up and apply a dissemination strategy to spread BIECO results EU-wide.
Identify and implement exploitation mechanisms with the partners and other EU industries.

BIECO Project

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