WP9 – Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation

 Coordinated by
UTC (M01-M36)


Dissemination and Data Management

The following main targets will be addressed:

  • Make sure that dissemination of results is pro-actively covered and Data Management is addressed
  • Set-up and apply a dissemination strategy to spread BIECO results EU-wide
  • Set-up and apply a Data Management plan for open/restricted data and publication strategy
  • Plan and coordinate the participation in conferences, fairs, clustering events and inter-project harmonization, especially synchronization with other H2020 activities

Exploitation and Standardization

  • Identify and implement exploitation mechanisms with the partners and other EU industries to ensure uptake and portability of BIECO results beyond the planned applications within the project
  • Plan the standardization of BIECO project results

Summarize the overall BIECO outcome in an evaluation report for wide-spread communication


  • Support the website and all the social media
  • Communication media materials



Monitoring Tool

The monitoring tool is an infrastructure in charge of setting up and managing a monitoring component. It is based on event messages and enables the collection of complex events.

Security Testing Tool

GdpR-based cOmbinatOrial Testing (GROOT) is a general combinatorial strategy for testing systems managing GDPR’s concepts (e.g., Data Subject, Personal Data or Controller).

Domain Specific Language

The domain specific language enables specification of digital twin behaviour in a manner that can enable a predicted evaluation of its trustworthy behaviour in a simulated environment

Fail-operation clock synchronization methodology

Synchronization loss can occur due to many reasons, either because of a device or link failure or due to a targeted attack on the reference node, which supplies the corrected time to the network’s nodes.

Time sensitive network simulation

Simulate the real time communication for the distributed based on the Time sensitive network simulation. Additionally, simulate the fail-operation clock synchronization methodology. This simulation will validate the communication stack.

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