
BIECO Impact: The project concept is designed to provide benefits for industrial partners on both short and long term. On short term, the industrial partners will receive innovative technologies and set of methods/tools to support security and resilience within their supply chains; on the long term, the functionality of the technologies will be applicable to build new secure and resilient ecosystems, opening new business possibilities.

Final review Meeting 28 September 2023

DRAFT AGENDA: Thursday 28th September 2023 13.00 – 17.00 CET AGENDA Overview 13:00 - 13:10Project Overview13:10 - 13:25BIECO Tools13:25 - 14:35BIECO Use Cases,including Demos14:35:15:05WP3 & WP4 Presentations15:05 - 15:15BREAK15:15 - 16:15WP5 - WP8...

Data Collection Tool

Data Collection Tool (DCT) stores information from relevant vulnerability related datasets, providing a single access point to information required by the vulnerability detection and forecasting tools developed in T3.3, as well as for the failure prediction tools developed in T4.2.

Vulnerability Detection Tool

Vulnerability Detection Tool will detect existing vulnerabilities within the source code which may lead to the successful execution of an attack.

Fuzzing Tool

Fuzzing Tool will test System Under Test (SUT) security vulnerabilities or inputs not contemplated that could compromise the system; as a black-box process, by using unintended or incorrect inputs and monitoring their corresponding outputs.


This exploitation result consists in cybersecurity consultancy services supported by ResilBlockly (former Blockly4SoS), a Model-Driven Engineering tool that has been developed in the context of BIECO.

Security evaluation methodology

Security evaluation methodology to evaluate the security of an ICT system. The methodology is based on standards such as ISO 31000 standard for Risk Management, the ISO 29119 standard for Security Testing or the MUD standard…

Extended MUD file

The extended Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) file is an extension of the MUD Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard…

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