
BIECO Impact: The project concept is designed to provide benefits for industrial partners on both short and long term. On short term, the industrial partners will receive innovative technologies and set of methods/tools to support security and resilience within their supply chains; on the long term, the functionality of the technologies will be applicable to build new secure and resilient ecosystems, opening new business possibilities.

SafeML based reliability assessment

In earlier work, a statistical distance-based measure (SafeML) is proposed for machine learning components. In BIECO project, we propose extension of it with the use of Statistical Distance Dissimilarity across time series to obtain SDD based reliability and robustness estimate (StadRE and StadRO).

Press release Romania

Press release Romania

Press release - România18 august 2023Războiul din Ucraina a condus la cea mai mare criză energetică din istoria recentă, iar experții avertizează că atacurile cibernetice susținute îndreptate către sectorul energetic european ar putea avea consecințe dezastruoase....

Final BIECO meeting – Final Day

Final BIECO meeting – Final Day

The final day of #BIECO meeting (21.07.2023) was marked by the rehearsal for the upcoming Final Review Meeting. We fine-tuned our plans and prepared to showcase our sustainable vision.

BIECO Project

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